"to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ."   

Ephesians 4:12-13

::: Where should I serve? :::

In what ministry might God want to use me?  If you find yourself asking this question, the Spiritual Ministries Guide (download HERE) will help you consider possible areas of ministry you could participate in that will build up the community of faith and the work of Christ around the world!  Based on a comprehensive study of the New Testament, the Spiritual Ministries Guide is the place to start for those who want to serve.  Follow the directions given, and then contact one of our staff to discuss what you discover. 

Another great tool to help you decide which ministry that God may be calling you towards is the DEACONS decision guide (download HERE).

If you have found a service position that interests you, please fill out a general Application to Serve and return it to the leader of that position. 

::: Ways to serve at granada :::

We have so many opportunities to serve at Granada. There is a place for everyone to belong!

Children's ministry helpers (contact Teri Elfelt, Children's Director)

Youth ministry helpers (contact Duane Litz, Student Ministries Pastor)

Worship ministry vocalists, instrumentalists, choir & tech support (contact Dave Geis , Interim Worship Pastor)

Church Office Volunteer Team (contact Anita Burton, Office Manager)

Maintenance and cleaning (contact Bob Miller, Facilities Manager)

Connections Team (contact the church office | info@ghfc.org)

Local Outreach 

Global Outreach

If you can't find an area that you are looking for, contact info@ghfc.org.

 ::: The Deacons :::

The term "deacon" comes from Acts 6 and translates to mean "servant" to the church body. When there is a need from someone in our church, the deacons organize and connect them to others who volunteer to help. Here's a list of current areas of need they help with. 

Volunteer to Help (Friends Helping Friends)

  • Friends Helping Friends
  • Meal Prep & Delivery
  • Ride Shares
  • Moving & Home Projects
  • Family Child Care

  • Food Pantry
  • Memorial Service Assistance
  • Homebound Ministry
  • College & Military Bound 
  • Thanksgiving Meal Ministry

Request Assistance



Worship is an essential part of God's design for eternity with Him!

Are you an instrumentalist? Do you enjoy singing? Know how to operate sound or video equipment, lights or ProPresenter? 

Do you want to learn? 

  • Worship Band: If you’re gifted in music and would love to aid in leading God’s people in praise, we’d love to have you join us!
    Rehearsals on Thursday nights at 8pm
  • Choir: Come and offer your voice in leading our worship services and special events, such as Disneyland's Candelight Choir.
    Rehearsals on Thursday nights at 6:30pm
  • Tech Team: We NEED our behind the scene Tech team to make Sunday mornings possible. We’re seeking men and women of all ages who want to use their tech savvy skills to serve the kingdom, from wrapping cables to audio editing.   

You can find more details about each ministry and the positions available by browsing the SERVE section of GLO and/or contacting our worship pastor, Dave Geis




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