Nice to Meet you!
::: The GHFC STAFF :::
Email Mike
- Favorite verses: John 7:37-39; 1 John 4:7-12; 1 Peter 1:3-9; Psalm 23
- Favorite book: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
- Favorite movie: Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Favorite meal: Fish tacos
- My Testimony: I grew up with a strong Christian influence from my parents. They sent me to a Christian school from Kindergarten through 12th grade. I was always "the good kid," but my heart was really not in love with Jesus until midway through college. I don't know exactly when I became a Christ-follower, because I remember inviting Jesus into my heart when I was 5, I remember getting baptized when I was 10, and I remember rededicating my life when I was 13 at Hume Lake, but it wasn't until I was 20 that I became convinced that Jesus was the Way, the Truth, and the Life. It wasn't until I saw a group of passionate followers of Jesus at the college group of EV Free church of Fresno, and became involved with them, that I truly realized that Jesus was the Savior of the world. I thank God for providing me with such awesome parents to guide me through this whole process.
Email Teri
- Favorite verses: Romans 15:13; Ephesians 3:16-21
- Favorite book: All I need is Jesus, and a Good Pair of Jeans, by Susanna Foth Aughtmon
- Favorite movie: Elf! Cracks me up, I could watch it anytime of the year, but it is a must around Christmas! “This is Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?” Ha!
- Favorite meal: My current favorite meal is cheese enchiladas with Spanish rice and black beans…smothered with lots of sour cream…mmmm, this is making me hungry! Yum!
- Strange ability: Hmmm, I can pick up lots of things with my feet (keys, shoes, dropped toys…) I guess this ability has come out since I’ve had a little one! Kinda sounds gross though, doesn’t it?
- My Testimony: I’m blessed in that I was young when the Lord caught a hold of my heart. I asked Jesus to be the Lord of my life when I was 5 years old (learning about Him at home and through my church…this is one of the HUGE reasons I have such a heart for children’s ministries!) Through my growing up years God has taken me through a journey of falling more in love with Him and allowing His love and grace to surround me! I have seen His heart for the world in missions trips in Highschool and College, and I have seen His power in transforming lives (restoring marriages, healing sick friends, being real in the storms of life, and in so many other ways) God has remained faithful and strong through all my days…He fills my heart with songs even when life is rocky. My husband and I struggled for years to have a child, then we rejoiced when a few years ago I became pregnant, however our souls were crushed when we lost that baby…but God remained there, his loving arms surrounding, His gentle truth continued to sing in our hearts. We praise God that just a few short months later we were blessed with another child who made it to full term and is our sweet, busy little Jace! Jace means “God is my salvation” and we know that He really is! Almost two years later we welcomed our sweet Eliana Joy to our family as well! What a blessing she is to us too! We praise God for His unfailing loving-kindness and presence in our lives. I know He will continue to fill our hearts with hope and joy as we continue to trust Him with our lives.
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Email Duane
- Favorite verses: Currently, my favorite verses are Matthew 11:28-30, Romans 8:35-29, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, 1 Peter 5:6, 1 John 2:1-2, 1 John 3:19-20, 1 Thessalonians 2:8 and Deuteronomy 30:11-14
- Favorite book: Till We Have Faces
- Favorite movie: Braveheart
- Favorite meal: Tortellini Alfredo
- Strange ability: Breaking my cell phones :(
- My testimony: Jesus saved me from my rebellious heart in high school. He repaired deep places of brokenness in my heart during college. He is refninig my arrogant heart through grad school. Jesus has been loving me and changing me all along.
Email Anita
- Favorite verses: Deut. 6:5, Hab. 3:17-19, Prov. 3:5-6, Col. 1:9-14
- Favorite books: (other than the Bible!) Karen Kingsbury's Redemption Series (Redemption, Remember, Return, Rejoice, Reunion)
- Favorite movies: Pride & Predjudice, The Princess Bride
- Favorite meal: It's a toss-up between: Angel hair pasta, tomatoes, basil and garlic with grilled chicken OR Indian food: chicken curry, basmati rice, naan and bhindi (okra).
- Strange ability: Tossing pizza crusts in the air when making homemade pizza. My kids crack up.
- My Testimony: I am so grateful to have had a great solid upbringing and Christian parents. I was born in Nigeria where my folks were missionaries. We left west Africa when I was just 4 so I consider myself only part-missionary kid. I made the decision to ask Christ into my heart when I was 7 but frequently struggled with understanding the assurance of salvation and what really happens after death. Children and youth ministries at church were very instrumental in my growth and knowledge of the Lord, as well as, the impact of older godly women in my life. Following high school graduation, I was able to take part in a short term missions trip (originally planned for one month but extended to six months). I learned to totally depend on God, deepen my understanding of the Holy Spirit and to completely surrender my life to however God would direct me. I graduated after 4 years from a Bible College in Canada and returned to California where I met my amazing husband at church. God has blessed us with 5 children, twins and triplets, and I find myself once again learning to totally rely on the Lord for guidance in parenting our kids.
Email Bob
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Email Elise
- Favorite verses: Jeremiah 29:11
- Favorite book: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne or anything by Ted Dekker
- Favorite movie: Return to Me
- Favorite meal: Chicken Caesar Salad
- Strange ability: I can type 98wpm with 95% accuracy.
- My Testimony: I grew up in a Christian home, with Christian parents and grandparents and extended family. I feel like I never didn't know that I was a sinner, that Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins and that I need to accept that forgiveness and put Him as my Lord and Savior to get to heaven but I think I took my faith as my own, rather than riding on my parent's coattails, when I was 12 years old. My mom became very ill and almost died and I found myself turning to God more in prayer and reliance during that time in a more personal way than ever before. Since then God has brought numerous situations into my life to refine me as a person striving to follow Him, whether it be through my marriage, my family, my ministry or my job (which very often overlap). Never before have I been more aware of my sinful nature and my need for His sacrifice to cover it than I have recently and I so grateful now that when God looks at me, He doesn't see my sin, but Christ's sacrifice covering me.
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Welcome Team/ELDER
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Church Clerk
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Children's Ministry & Trustees/ELDER
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