::: GHFC Children's Ministries :::
::: Areas of Ministry :::
Nursery (birth - 3 years)
We desire to provide a safe and nurturing environment for our littlest ones here at GHFC
- Come on by our early childhood center to check in your child 8:55am Sundays!
- Nursery available at 9am fellowship group hour and 10:15 church service time, check in at the early childhood center
- Texting connection available
- Mothers room located off the foyer of the sanctuary (with live stream of the worship service) Located to the left when you walk into the main sanctuary.
Preschool & Kinder
We desire to build a foundation of faith starting with the littlest of hearts.
- Sunday mornings 9am Sunday school and 10:15am service (open at 8:55 for drop off): We will have kids 3 years through Kinder join us on the Preschool Playground or playroom then have class inside for Kids Church time
- Email Allison Caldera, our preschool coordinator, allison@ghfc.org for questions on this loved age group!
- Wednesday Night Life is every Wednesday night 6:30-8pm for ages 3 and up! Come for games, snacks, worship, teaching and connections!
We have a blast digging deeper into God's word with our older kiddos!
- Elementary kids will join their parents during the 10:15am service ,and then be dismissed to join their teacher in the foyer of the sanctuary to walk to the large indoor space for kids church (C-5 off the courtyard downstairs)
- Elementary will also be available during 9am fellowship group hour, check in at C-5 off courtyard downstairs.
- Email Hannah Robinson, our elementary coordinator, hannah@ghfc.org for more details about this fun crew
- Wednesday Night Life is on Wednesday nights 6:30-8pm for 3 years old and up! Come for games, snacks, worship, teaching and connections!
::: Coming Up :::
Watch here for the latest ways to connect with GHFC Kids:
Check out our current news letter above!
Wednesday night Life is back for 3 year olds on up!
Fill out a registration for for each kiddo at drop off or print this form out and bring first night :)
SAVE THE DATE FOR VBS 2025!! June 23rd-26th!! 9am-12noon
Our theme will be revealed on Palm Sunday! Watch for more to come! Yay!
Join us on Facebook on our GHFC Kids Connect page:
We'll post our monthly info newsletter, songs, resources, verses, family connections, and more! Please join us on there to help stay connected!
MomCo (our Moms group) meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, we'd love for you to join us!
expecting through kinder age kiddos click below to find out more and register
Our Spring semester in in full swing, but you can definitely jump in anytime! 9:30-11:30am!
Monthly Emails, if you'd like to be added to our GHFC Kids monthly email please email teri@ghfc.org and we'll gladly add you in!!
We have a closet full of gently used clothes for babies up through elementary kids. We also have maternity clothes available. If you have a need for clothes or would like to pass some on, please contact teri@ghfc.org or ask a children's team member Sundays.
*Please contact Teri with more questions teri@ghfc.org
Contact Teri Elfelt teri@ghfc.org if you want more info or if you'd like to serve with kids in these exciting programs!
We are excited to offer FREE Dance classes to children and youth in our community at a variety of levels from beginning to intermediate. No dance experience is needed to jump in!
Email Corrie to find out more or to be added to a waiting list: shineGHFC@gmail.com
5:30-6:00 PreBallet (Ages 4-6) Jesiah
6:00-6:30 Ballet I (Ages 6-9) Jesiah
6:30-7:30 Tap II (Ages 9+) Jesiah
3:30-4:30 Ballet I/II (Ages 8-18) Corrie
3:45-4:15 PreBallet (Ages 5-6) Natalie
4:30-5:30 Ballet II (Ages 8+ By Approval Only) Corrie
3:30-4:30 Ballet III (Ages 9+ By Approval Only) Corrie
4:30-5:15 Stretch & Conditioning (9-18) Corrie
5:15-6:00 Tap I (Ages 8-18) Corrie
For ?s or more info Contact: Corrie Villa shineGHFC@gmail.com
::: Join our team :::
We have a team of dedicated servants who love Jesus and Love kids!
Want to Join us?
If you'd like to join our team please download and fill out this form and turn it in to the church office or early childhood center.
Click here for Children's Ministries Application
::: Contact Us :::
We Look forward to serving you
Children's Director Teri Elfelt teri@ghfc.org
Elementary Coordinator Hannah Robinson hannah@ghfc.org
Preschool Coordinator Allison Caldera allison@ghfc.org